My Promise

Henda Salmeron Outside The Texas State Capitol Austin, May 2011

To pass legislation in Texas to increase education and awareness about dense breast tissue and to help at risk women and those with dense breast tissue get better screening options to detect breast cancer at an early stage. Mammograms save lives but it can fail more than 40% of the time to detect tumors in women with dense breast tissue.

(I made this promise the in the early hours of June 9, 2009 after I was diagnosed with a 4cm tumor and stage 2 breast cancer.)


June 17, 2011 @ 4pm - PRAYERS ANSWRED

Henda’s Law changed the standard of care for EVERY woman in the State of Texas on June 17, 2011.

House Bill 2102 requires all mammography centers in Texas to specifically notify women about DENSE BREAST TISSUE and the increased risks associated therewith.

“If your mammogram demonstrates that you have dense breast tissue, which could hide abnormalities, and you have other risk factors for breast cancer that have been identified, you might benefit from supplemental screening tests that may be suggested by your ordering physician. Dense breast tissue, in and of itself, is a relatively common condition. Therefore, this information is not provided to cause undue concern, but rather to raise your awareness and to promote discussion with your physician regarding the presence of other risk factors, in addition to dense breast tissue. A report of your mammogram results will be sent to you and your physician. You should contact your physician if you have any questions or concerns regarding this report.”

Download Texas House Bill HB2102